Vivien Mallock
Vivien Mallock, an Associate of the Royal Society of British Sculptors since 1998, has earned her position in the Top Five through her acute observation, capture of movement, subtle texture and mastery of technique. She was honoured to sit with the Queen Mother when St Mary’s Hospital Trust commissioned a bust; this is now installed in the foyer of the Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Wing. This was the last occasion that the Queen Mother sat for a portrait. Her smaller bronzes are for private collectors; Vivien is kept busy creating public pieces such as the Memorial to the Royal Tank Regiment that stands in Whitehall Court in London and was unveiled by the Queen in 2000. Commissioned works include: The Queen Mother, Monty, Major John Howard, Brigadier James Hill, The Royal Tank Regiment, Sir Steve Redgrave and Sir Walter Raleigh. Vivien is available for private commissions should you wish to have a unique work for your home, garden of place of business. Please email us with a brief description of your requirements.
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